Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Crazy BUSY and SO FUN!!

Our Vegas Weekend
So much happened!!
I'll try and go quickly..
Valentines Day was awesome!! Unfortunately, I didn't take pictures.. 
We got heart-shaped pizza from Papa Murphey's and had a stay-at-home night. It was awesome. We got our kids a stuffed animal and chocolate. They loved it!

The next day, Friday, my family took off for Las Vegas to help my grandma sell everything she has because my grandparents are going into assisted living & to attend a farewell. Jared and I stayed behind to help one of my dear friends.

Saturday we got everything ready to roll for our trip to Vegas. Bekkah came over and if it weren't for her, I'm sure we wouldn't have made it. When she got to the house I wasn't packed AT ALL and I had the worst migraine EVER. She helped me get motivated. So after quickly packing and then getting ready, Bekkah watched the kids and Jared and I took off to help my friend celebrate her daughters sweet sixteen party. Jared was the DJ. He and Jonny had so much fun behind the speakers. I stayed with Meg and helped her chaperon  Once we got home, cleaned up, and loaded the truck it was about 12:30 and we took off, with very sleepy babies, to Vegas.

I don't think that we will ever attempt that again. We were so tired. We arrived in Vegas at about 8:30. (we stopped an rested and got the kids breakfast) We got to my grandma's house while the yard sale was still in full swing and we recouped a little and then got everyone ready for the farewell. It was an amazing meeting. My poor husband looked SO tired and Jay slept through the whole thing. I don't know why but I had good energy! After church we went to dinner as a family. After dinner, Jared and I checked into the time-share that Jonny & Bekkah so generously shared with us. (They were coming down to Vegas at the end of the week for the Tim McGraw concert)

After we dropped stuff off and changed, we went to Sjanna's house where we loaded up some bunk beds and bedding that she had for us. (Our girls are so excited!!) Then we headed over to Karl and Liz's (the new missionaries) to have a lite dinner and be together as family & friends. Afterwords we were SO tired. We were going on 38 hours with NO sleep.. We went back to the hotel and CRASHED.

The next day we got up, got some breakfast, went to Sjanna's and picked up the trailer, and headed for my grandma's house. The Yard Sale was coming to a close. My Mom and Craig finished it up and then my mom hit the road home to Utah. We stayed at Grandma's and Sjanna put some extensions in my hair. I have always wanted them because my hair is SO thin and brittle. I think I've wanted them for 9 years. Sjanna just happened to have some that matched perfectly so we sat in my Grandma's living room and she put them in.

After that we went to the Hotel and got ready for dinner. Sjanna, Mokie, Mark, and our family went to Joe's Crab Shack. It was awesome. They had an outside play area right off of the patio. So, we sat on the patio while the kids played. A woman came over and made the kids balloon animals. It was great!

Brandon with a Shark on his head

My gorgeous sister, Sjanna with Bane

My handsom Hubs

Afterwords we decided to go to the strip and on our way, Jayda & BrookLynn fell asleep. So, Jared took me, Jay, Brookie, & Bane back to the hotel and took Brandon to the strip. They drove the length of the strip and went to Coke World and the M&M store.

We woke up the next morning and got everything loaded up into the truck and trailer and picked up Mckayla and got on the freeway to come home to Utah. It was a much nicer drive. I had so much fun. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I think that my family gets sick more than most. I swear! It's been a rough WiNtEr... 
BrookLynn got a cold about a week and a half ago, then it turned into daily fevers, following quickly after was a full body rash, then the vomits..
On our second trip to the doctor he informed us that she has asthma and RSV. The rash is her bodies way of telling us that she wasn't getting the oxygen that she needed. This little lady.. She knows how to get sick..
While we were at the doc, I asked if he would take a look at Bane. He had a few fevers, stuffy nose, and a cough that seemed to be traveling to his little lungs. (There was a rattle in his chest) My doctor diagnosed Bane with RSV as well. :(
We saw the doctor last Friday. So.. This weekend was full of zipped up jammies, medicine, and humidifiers.

Saturday night Jayda threw up in the middle of the night. 
It was a crazy weekend!
BUT.. Now it's Tuesday! Jay was well enough to go to school, Brookie's rash and cough are gone, and Bane spirits are high!
It was a rough weekend!
Glad it's OVER! :)