Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 2012

Wow, it's been quite a while.. I am not good at blogging at ALL.. Well, having 3 kids, 1 on the way, and no husband every weekday might have something to do with it.. Priorities..  It also seems every time that me or my children get sick.. I type!

Life is soo good, although, yes.. very busy..

Jared got a new job at ACTR in production. He works Monday through Friday 2pm-10:30pm.
He is still in school for Mechanical Engineering at UVU in the mornings and works on homework when he get's home from work.
He's such a hard worker. 

I put off seeing an OB until I found the right one. My sweet doctor died in between the birth of Jayda and BrookLynn, and as many of you know, Brookie's labor, delivery, and recovery was a nightmare. SO.. We won't be seeing that unintelligent doc again.. 
One of the doctors that I saw regularly in my old doctor's practice, with whom I loved, moved out to Salt Lake and practiced there for a couple years. SHE CAME BACK!! Once I found out that fantastic news I scheduled an appointment right away!We were able to hear the babies heartbeat and see the little peanut on Friday. I am 12 1/2 weeks and loving life! 
Jared thought it was twins.. It's not.. JUST ONE! Jared thought it was a boy, so now we're thinking it's a girl! :) We'll find out in a few weeks!

Brandon, Jayda, BrookLynn, and I have been super sick. Starting with Jay about a week ago. Once we think it's over, Brookie and Jay start throwing up last night.. :( Although, I think it was just because they were coughing too hard.. Rough times.. 
They get medicine. I've opted to go commando (medicine wise) There is nothing attractive about a pregnant lady with a cold.. TERRIBLY GROSS..

This month is going to be a fun one. Last weekend my Aunt and cousin came up and saw us for a minute from Las Vegas and I was able to have lunch with a new friend and this weekend my Grandparents and GREAT Grandma come up to visit.. OF COURSE.. it's McKayla's birthday (girls lunch on Saturday) and SUPER BOWL SUNDAY



  1. yay for finding a doctor you love!! so excited for you & your family!
