Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I'm Thankful


thankful for
One incredible year.
I am thankful for my faith
I am thankful for my Savior
I am thankful for the atonement
I am thankful for my forever family
I am thankful for my extended family
(Side note~I am SO thankful for my husband)
I am thankful for the scriptures and scripture study
I am thankful for Brandon, Jayda, BrookLynn, & Bane
I am thankful that I know that there is more to life than life
I am thankful for the opportunities that my family has had this year
I am thankful for the wonderful people in my life that I can call dear friends
I am thankful for the birth of a child and the sweet passing of an elderly Great~Grandma
I am so grateful for two vehicles that run well and a roof  over~head that protects my family
I am thankful for service
I am thankful for My Love

As I was creating this post and started listing things that I am thankful for I decided mid-post to try to make it look like a Christmas tree. To make it look progressive I had to rearrange some of the lines and it was interesting to see what rose to the top..

I hope that all of my friends and family have a Happy Thanksgiving NEXT week and have a happy holiday season! 


  1. I am so grateful that we became friends this year!!!! you have been such a wonderful friend, thank you!!!

    1. I am too! You are the best, Meg!! I am soooo Thankful for you!! :)
